Welcome to reflections on his love, (I got a blog!!! I got a blog!!!!) The reason I put up this blog stems from my need for an avenue to express my heart, my views, and sometimes vent my frustrations at all the religious legalism going on around.
I will be sharing resources of friends and mentors and my views on anything, it will not all be Christian, sometimes it could just be about music or romance or whatever.
I intend to make my blogs short and sweet, and by God's grace very graceful. As much as I might write on personal experiences, we will not be doing much introspection here. I believe it is counterproductive to show people all that is messed up with their lives. The message we have been sent to deliver is the message of God's unconditional love for all mankind.
Ultimately, the goal is that when you leave you leave this blog, you will feel comforted, justified and confident in a God who justifies the ungodly and cleans us white as snow, to present us as holy and blameless for all eternity.
Once again, welcome to reflections on his love