In my experience I find the most
difficult people to convince of the goodness of God and thus, the least likely
people to experience repentance are the self-righteous. The reason is simple,
they are not aware that anything is wrong with their way of life. They have it
all figured out, they don’t need saving or they have already been saved and now
it’s their turn to play their part in the maintenance of their salvation. That
is exactly what the passage above is talking about. The pharisees were quite
content with their spiritual prowess; they were obsessively obedient to the
law, they fasted quite regularly and they prayed fervently. They were also well
versed in the Hebrew scripture. They were confident in their ability to obey
God and they were damn sure that They were doing just fine. Theirs was the path
to take. As a result, they had painted God in their image (as we all do); God
was stern, unmoving and definitely unforgiving of certain things. He caused, or
at least allowed sickness, poverty and death to fall upon those who were disobedient
to his commands. And this was not a problem for them, because they had it
figured out. They obeyed the rules, they were exempt from punishment, unlike
the prostitutes and sinners that Jesus was constantly hanging around
This was the main problem the
pharisees had with Jesus; he represented a God they couldn’t accept.
A God that
loved everybody and embraced them regardless of their deeds or misdeeds. A God
that enjoined people to love their enemies and pray for their oppressors. It
was impossible, this would shatter the whole basis of their existence, it would
require a major shift in the thing they believed in the most; themselves. Hence
Jesus’ remark in John 9: 39-41
"39.Jesus said,a “For
judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who
see will become blind.”
40Some Pharisees who were with
him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”
41Jesus said, “If you
were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see,
your guilt remains."
They could not admit that they were blind, they
thought they saw most clearly. They did not need Jesus to enlighten them
because they were the most enlightened. They did not need the riches of Christ,
they were spiritually rich. With people like these, you can only love them and pray
that one day God opens their eyes. There is no amount of demonstration or
preaching that can convince them. It is too jarring, too world changing for
them to accept. Because it means that
their efforts don’t move God. It would mean that people will “get off” with
their sins and thy don’t get to gloat at those putrid sinners as they are
roasted over the fires of hell.
On the other hand, ragamuffins (to
borrow a term from Brennan Manning) rejoice at the news of God’s unconditional
love, we rejoice at the prospect of someone else; God in the person of Jesus, stepping
in to rescue us from our bondage to sex, money and power. The prospect that
Jesus will actually come into our hearts and live his life out through us is
quite acceptable and in fact relieving to us. You see we too, like the
pharisees, have a very flawed view of God. Most times, it is identical to that
of the pharisees. The only difference is, unlike the self-righteous, we lack
the will power to live by the rules. Some of us are constantly trying and
failing at obeying all the rules, while the vast majority have just given up on
it. We had resigned to the fact that we were going to hell, or that Gods favour
would not be on us as much as the super spiritual, hardworking and diligent
guys. Hence, we are keenly aware of our blindness, of our bankruptcy and of our
need for a savior (at least subconsciously). So when we are informed of the
good news of a compassionate, loving, heart transforming sacrificial and
self-giving God, we rejoice and accept this wholeheartedly. This is why Jesus
says the prostitutes and the tax collectors rushed into the Kingdom of God
while the Pharisees stood by and criticized.
However, the scariest part of it
is this, we all are self-righteous in some way or the other. We all have
aspects of our lives that we are so good at, we have forgotten that it is a
gift from God. We all have areas where we are so self-confident, we don’t think
we need God or he is at best an addendum to our general awesomeness. Watch out
for those areas, glorify God and always remember that it is Christ who works in
you, to do and will his good pleasure. Don’t be a pharisee.
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