Saturday 25 February 2012


Hello everybody am back!!... I guess

First of all, i'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope the year has been fun for you guys as it has been for me. I have been absent from the blog for a couple reasons;

First, I am really concentrating on equipping a fellowship of believers, we call ourselves Grace Community. We meet twice a month and it's at the beginning stages; So it's going to take a lot of attention and care. Second, I have a lot of things to tidy up in the area of my business; Got to build a brand and all that stuff.
Third, I have been doing a lot of thinking (more than usual) about the preceding things over the past two months; praying, contemplating and questioning. Finally, I like to say, am a bit lazy, so to add writing to that mix is a bit difficult. Plus by the time I'm through with that, coupled with family life, i just feel emotionally spent. BUT, the Lord is my strength, so I will be doing some writing here and there, I love you guys and enjoy sharing my journey with you. I can't promise you on regularity, but I will try.

Till then, just keep in mind that no matter what happens in your life, God is not the author of evil. But he is a specialist at bringing out the greatest things out of the messiest situations. That is the power of grace. So feel free to admit when you have done wrong or made a bad choice, just don't wallow in guilt over it and expect our Father to make the best of it

Grace be with you