Saturday 24 September 2011


One of the best parts of a Church gathering to me is the testimonies. I love to hear how God is helping people in their health, finances, families and so on; I love it when a couple who have been expecting a baby for years finally get pregnant. I love when families get reunited after years of estrangement. I love it when people come and testify about getting a promotion in their jobs. While all these things do not prove God’s love for us- the cross is our proof, it does feel good to know that our father takes delight in the prosperity of his children.

However, a trend I find disturbing amongst many of these testimonies is the emphasis of what they gave as a form of ‘seed’ that then germinated into an ‘harvest’ of the breakthrough they were seeking. This to me is one of the most prevalent forms of legalism in Christian circles. I must confess that I fall for this sometimes, especially when it comes to finances. I personally believe that this is because money is so important in human dealings that once a shortage occurs in our pockets; we automatically go into panic mode and immediately begin to tell ourselves something must be done. In such panic moments, we will latch on to any teaching or encouragement that seems to suggest that by giving something, “God will let go of our blessings”. Why? It affirms our sense of responsibility. Plus I honestly think many of us don’t believe God is good enough to give us things freely. We believe he requires some sacrifice.

 “What then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also, along with him GRACIOUSLY give us all things…..” Romans 8: 31-32(NIV) (emphasis mine)

Brethren, God is irrevocably and unrepentantly for us. He demonstrated that eternal support for you when he sent his only Son; the only one who pleased him thoroughly and eternally, to become a man, live for you, suffer untold anguish for you and ultimately die for you. God has got your back unconditionally; he is not waiting for you to release what is in your hands before he releases what in his hands. In fact, the verses quoted above tell us that God has already graciously given us all things along with Jesus. In other words, when he sent Jesus, he sent everything.  The word ‘graciously’ can be translated ‘freely’. He freely at no charge gave us everything. He freely included us in the fellowship of the Father, Son and the Holy SpiritH
Holy Spirit; to partake of the Divine nature and to freely experience the unlimited self-sufficiency in Christ’s sufficiency

At this juncture I must state clearly that I believe in giving. I believe a Christian has received the same generous spirit that God has; thus a Christian who is not willing to give to the local Assembly and the community at large has not grasped of what spirit he is. We are to give spiritually, emotionally, AND FINANCIALLY. As we grow in all aspects of Grace, we are instructed to also grow in the Grace of supporting our ministers and brothers in need (2 Cor. 8 and 9). My argument is that the motive for our giving must change in charismatic circles. Our giving is not supposed to be a way of buying miracles, security, or warding off curses. It is an act from a pure regenerated heart that has become as generous as our father in heaven. If you are being blessed at your local assembly, then it behooves you to support that assembly in any way. We do not need to be manipulated by fear or pity to give. Neither do we need to engage in any giving in order to access or qualify for the blessing

The idea that God needs something from us as a form of sacrifice makes God no different from the idols and demons our ancestors used to worship. They always demanded a price to be paid for their favours; and after giving the favours, they would still inflict damage on them and their descendants.

“and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[ to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins….” (Colossians 1: 12-14 NIV) (Emphasis mine)

The whole point of this series is to point out that the Father has already qualified us; How? He rescued us from darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. In other words, the Father loves and approves of the Son, and by the Holy Spirit has put us in the Son. Therefore, the Father is fully approved of us and requires no spiritual exercise on our part to bless us.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ...” (Ephesians 1:3 NIV) (Emphasis mine)

In Christ, we are blessed. We are not going to be blessed, we are not waiting to be blessed, and we sure as heaven are not meant to strive or give ‘X” amount of money in order to qualify for God’s blessing. So rejoice and give out of love, not out of fear or compulsion. Give what you can, when you can. Most especially, DO NOT let ANYBODY guilt you into giving.

Grace be with you and continue to bask in the Love of God

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