Tuesday 18 February 2014


Remember that old Nike slogan, “JUST DO IT”. I feel like that’s my motto right now with this blog. Frank Viola has mentioned that there are two types of writers; the plodders and the crammers. The plodder keeps writing no matter how painful or uninspired he may feel, he just keeps plodding along on the keyboard and then edits it to suit his taste until it becomes gold. The crammer on the other hand waits- even if he’s got a deadline- until he gets a burst of inspiration and then crams all those words in within a shorter period of time.

I think of myself as a little bit of both. However, the side of me that wants to be hip and only do things when I feel like it has been taking center stage for the past couple of months. Alas, there hasn’t been enough inspiration; hence no blog posts of recent.  I must admit that there were little bursts of inspiration every now and then, but rather than take that as impetus and start writing, I would procrastinate until I completely lost that train of thought. Procrastination is indeed the thief of time.

A few days ago I came to a realization; I have to embrace the plodder in me and just write. No more waiting for the stars to align and for my circumstances to be favorable, everything will fall in line as I begin to just do what I want to do. For example, the three paragraphs you have just read came from the simple thought to “just do it”

I think this is something for you to consider too. We all have hopes and dreams. Things we want to do, places we want to go, hobbies and interests we wish to learn. Sometimes it’s best to just get off your butt and do what you want to do. Of course, it’s good to plan things out, especially if you're thinking of starting a business. Be wise, gather the capital and the knowledge you need to make it right. Just don’t spend the rest of your life at the drawing board. Take some calculated risks, put yourself out there, live a little, buy the form, go to the classes; just do it. As you do, more often than not you’ll find things beginning to make room for you to reach your goals.  Just do it

I feel inspired to write more along these lines- so I will. You might be wondering what this has to do with the Father’s love, it does and I intend to explore it later on. Suffice it to say that God’s love is what is exhibited in the things you love to do. You love those things because God loves them and he has placed that same love in your heart. So if theres something you love doing, know that God is on your side and “just do it”

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